Multicolor 3D prints made easy

Multicolor prints are easier than most assume. For this example I’ll use a small travel version of a game inspired by Quarto that I designed in Tinkercad. It has internal holes in the base and figures for metal washers and magnets to help keep figures in place (i.e. places in the printing process where we want to pause the print anyway to embed metal into the print).

Multicolor print of both the base as well as the figures

I’ll use the popular software Cura for the examples, but they basically apply to any slicer software.

Pick out the filaments you want to use

I start with this step because the filament can impact your slicer settings. The easiest way to get good adhesion between filaments, is if they are the same brand/type, but with enough patience and tweaking settings, you can get anything to stick together (even PLA and TPU).


Pick out the layer where you will want to change colors

In this example layer 25 is the last layer where the holes are still open, and starting with layer 26 the holes are covered. So we will interrupt the printing after layer 25, switch filaments, and then continue.


Cura has a plugin feature, and one of the provided plugins is called “Filament change”. It moves the head away from the print, retracts the filament, and waits for the user to put in a different filament before continuing the print.

To add breaks for filament changes, go to “Extensions -> Post Processing -> Modify G-Code / Add a Script -> Filament Change”. This gives you a configuration window where you can specify on which layers you want to change colors/filaments.

If you want to change the color multiple times, just list all layers the filament should change separated by commas.



Switching filaments

Once the head is clear of the print and the filament has been retracted, remove the current filament, and insert the new one. manually extrude enough filament so that the old color has been purged out of the hotend/nozzle (it doesn’t need to be a hard cut, it is sufficient to just get the new filament into the hotend and not have a gap between the old and new filament). Remove and excess filament from the nozzle, so that it is clean and can continue printing and then continue the print from the printer display.


Be creative with filament changes

For example you can use it to inlay logos or text into a print by printing 1-2 layers of a different color before switching back to the original color (here we switch filaments at layers 9 and 11 to have 2 layers of a darker color).

Passing arrays to bash functions

Short version: yes, you can pass an array to a Bash function. You can also manipulate the array contents within the function to pass information back. It is easy and has been supported since Bash version 4.3, I believe.

Long version: I recently watched a talk by some very knowledgeable people about Bash, where they delved deep into its internals and quirks. At one point, they discussed passing information to and from functions without creating subshells. The solution became quite convoluted, and I was surprised because the whole time I was thinking, “just use nameref“.

Out of curiosity, I searched online, but unfortunately, the internet is full of responses like “doesn’t work,” “Bash can’t do that” and many variations of “just pass all the values of the array to the function as arguments and piece them together again inside the function” (which is a terrible solution since you lose the keys). There are a few posts here and there suggesting local -n as a solution, but they are rare, and especially on sites like Stack Overflow, they are not the top answers.

In a nutshell what we are going to do is pass a reference to an array to a function (think “pointers” or “symlinks” if that helps).

Relevant parts of the bash man page for declare and local:

declare -n

Give each name the nameref attribute, making it a name reference to another variable. That other variable is defined by the value of name. All references, assignments, and attribute modifications to name, except for those using or changing the -n attribute itself, are performed on the variable referenced by name’s value. The nameref attribute cannot be applied to array variables.


For each argument, a local variable named name is created, and assigned value. The option can be any of the options accepted by declarelocal can only be used within a function; it makes the variable name have a visible scope restricted to that function and its children.

So, in summary, we can use local to define variables with a scope limited to the function they are defined in, and local accepts all the options that declare supports.

It seems the “The nameref attribute cannot be applied to array variables.” part of the declare definition causes a lot of confusion or deters people from trying to use it for referencing arrays.
What it means is that you can’t do a local -n my_array=() (i.e. applying the nameref attribute to an array), but local -n my_array is fine (where my_array is a variable with the nameref attribute which can also point to an array).

Enough theory, let’s get down to practical examples.

We will create a function called do_stuff that:

  • takes the name of an array as argument $1
  • reads the length key from the array
  • add a random key to the array with a random number the length of the length key previously read

Then we will create an array outside of the function with some keys/values, pass it to the do_stuff function, and then output the contents

So this shows us that the do_stuff function could read from the array (the length value), and write to the array (add the random number key/value), and the changes were applied to the array outside of the function. (where we did the declare -p). Bonus points for not needing a subshell.

Using this “trick” allows us to pass more complex information to a function, and especially receive more complex information from a function.

There is one caveat: you can’t use the same name for the array inside the function as well as outside. I wouldn’t advise doing this anyway for readability reasons, as the variable’s scope can become confusing. If you try it you get the following output:

Oddly I often noticed the following statement on Stack Overflow about nameref:

This only works if the array is defined as a global
Nope, works just as fine passing an array locally scoped to a function to another function this way.

(I prefer using a main() function like in this example to avoid global variables unless explicitly defined)

So, there you have it: an easy way to pass an array to a function in bash, no weird looping over values. And a better way to receive information from an array than the byte return value and parsing the output of the function.

Board game organizer for Dungeons & Dragons: The Fantasy Adventure Board Game

This is another board game organizer I made and uploaded to thingiverse. This time it is for the game Dungeons & Dragons: The Fantasy Adventure Board Game (BGG Link). My children really enjoy this game, so we sleeved the cards and I made some organizers so simplify setup and cleanup of the game.


Since it seems this game was mainly distributed in Europe in various languages, I also uploaded the SCAD files so you can translate the card names into other languages (the German version is uploaded as STL files).

The card boxes include space for the cards from the 2 expansions (forest and ice).

The box for all the heroes makes it easy to keep track of which character had which items between campaigns.

This isn’t intended as an insert for the original box.
Since I have both expansions, I use a bigger box to hold all the pieces.

Thingiverse Link with all the file downloads and printing instructions:

A case for the Pimoroni Tiny 2040

In my last post, I mentioned the Pimoroni Tiny 2040. While it probably won’t die by just dangling off it the end of a USB cable, or tossing the naked device it in your bag/pocket, I prefer to have a small case around it to have some protection and make handling easier.

This also has the benefit of looking more professional when using it at work, compared to the “uh, are you sure this is a good idea” look I get when plugging PCBs directly into USB ports.

The design itself is pretty basic:

  • as small as possible
  • a top and bottom half that snap together securely when assembled
  • a slight recession on the bottom to accommodate the parts on the underside of the PCB
  • holes for the two buttons
  • a thin layer above the LED so it is protected, but still can be seen/used

One reason I like using this case, is that I can print a few in different colors and switch them out based on the payload (e.g. red for dangerous, green/blue/yellow for safe, testing, informational).





I uploaded the design to Thingiverse for everyone to access:


Using the Pimoroni Tiny 2040 as a USB rubber ducky

Last year I bought a Pimoroni Tiny 2040 that I really enjoy playing around with. It’s a fun little device that runs Python. It’s about the size of a thumbnail, has an LED, and you can use the boot select button for user input.

(Image credit: Pimoroni)


I mainly use it as a cheap USB rubber ducky with a non-malicious script at work (if plugged into a PC, it registers as a keyboard and starts typing: open notepad, write some text about the importance of locking your PC, and then locks the PC).
To do this, install CircuitPython, and follow the instructions of this repository: pico-ducky

Once installed, you can easily write your own rubber ducky scripts and drop them on the device or use existing scripts found here: hak5/usbrubberducky-payloads

I have a small git repository that I use as a template to start off with, it includes all the required libraries and a slimmed down and modified rubber ducky parser: ryanschulze/rubber-pico-duck

The LED on the pico 2040 will glow dim blue when it has completed initialization and is ready, if you press the boot select button, the LED will turn red and it will execute the payload, when complete it will flash green briefly before returning to the ready state (dim blue).