Since the Linksys WAP200 has a tendency to hang and not let any users connect anymore, this little script to reboot an accesspoint (webinterface still works fine). Replace user and password with correct values.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | #!/bin/bash if [[ "$#" == "1" ]] then nc -w1 -z $1 443 if [[ "$?" == "0" ]] then wget -q -O - --user=foouser --password=foopass --no-check-certificate --post-data='DeviceReboot=1&page=AdminReboot.htm' https://${1}/reboot.cgi >/dev/null else echo "Could not connect to https webinterface on ${1}" fi else echo "Usage: $(basename $0) " fi |
We have 17 APs WAP200 and we have an issue with radius authentication. When we reboot everything works fine.
Discussion about this topic on
ps.: Sorry about my english.
Your english is fine 😉
Thanks for the link to the topic, it actually looks promising, at least Cisco is showing interest in it. With luck we may yet get a working firmware from Cisco for the WAP200 devices.
I had started a topic while back ( ), but that didn’t go anywhere.
I’m a little new to this but what do you use to execute the script?
How would I get this to work in a Windows environment?
sry for the late response, seems the server stopped sending me emails for new comments.
I’m not sure how to solve the problem in a windows environment. The script is written in bash to be executed from a linux host.
Basically it just opens up https://$ip_of_access_point/reboot.cgi and sends “DeviceReboot=1&page=AdminReboot.htm” as POST data. If you google for “powershell http post” there should be some useful tipps on how to build this in powershell/windows.
I tried the script but id did not work for me, could be with the latest firmare?
Changing the wget solved it.
wget -q -O – –user=foouser –password=foopass –no-check-certificate https://${1}/reboot.cgi?todo=reboot >/dev/null
I removed the –post-data and added ?todo=reboot
I added a ping to the host that the script will restart.
echo "########################### This script will ping: ${1} and restart it, if its up and running. Hold on.... ###########################"
if [[ "$#" == "1" ]]
#First ping the host to check if its up.....
ping -q -c 4 ${1}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
nc -w1 -z $1 443
if [[ "$?" == "0" ]]
echo "########################### ${1} IS UP. SENDING RESTART COMMAND: https://${1}/reboot.cgi?todo=reboot ###########################"
wget -q -O - --user=foouser --password=foopass --no-check-certificate https://${1}/reboot.cgi?todo=reboot >/dev/null
echo "########################### Done! Try reconnecting to it in a couple of seconds. ###########################"
echo "########################### Could not connect to https webinterface on ${1}, exiting ###########################"
echo "########################### HOST: ( ${1} ) HOST IS DOWN! ###########################"
echo "########################### Usage: $(basename $0) ###########################"