
I finally got around to setting the Strict-Transport-Security header on all my HTTPS websites. The current age is set to 1 month and I’ll gradually up that to 6 months if no problems pop up.

In case anyone is curious, I terminate SSL on a haproxy, which then sends requests to various backends (containers on the same physical server). This makes it really easy to deal with Let’s Encrypt (just need one agent/script installed on the haproxy host that deals with all incoming /.well-known/acme-challenge/ requests), and I can keep all HTTPS settings central and don’t have to worry about configuration creep or any settings falling through the cracks for oddball subdomains.

How to use ansible to scan for Spectre/Meltdown vulnerable hosts

First of all head on over to github and download a spectre-meltdown-checker that supports JSON output. Now all we need is a ansible playbook that calls that script:

Important is to adjust the path to  in the script:  task (the path is relative to wherever your playboook file is). Adapt to your needs however you want. It is basically just feeding the output of the script into the from_json  filter, storing it in a variable and then iterating over the result via with_items.

Example output:

(vulnerable to  CVE-2017-5715 since Intel retracted their microcode updates and haven’t released new ones yet)

Adding CVE information to Nmap scans

Last week I stumbled across a nice nmap script that adds CVE information from to the results of nmap scans. Since it relies on version information from services it requires you scan the host with -sV

Example:  nmap -sV --script vulners host

The github repository is
You can add the script to your nmap installation with dir=/usr/share/nmap/scripts/ ; curl -ksL >> ${dir}vulners.nse && chmod 0644 ${dir}vulners.nse
(or wherever your nmap script directory is, e.g. /usr/local/share/nmap/scripts/ ).

How to colorize manpages

I’m surprised I’ve never posted this here before. Turning manpages from monochrome to color is super easy.

There are a few LESS_TERMCAP_*  environment variables you can adjust. Here is a list of useful ones to change

I prefer to only set them for man, so I put this little function in my ~/.bashrc


Bash function for easily watching logs and colorizing the output

Another useful bash function I have on my servers. It’s a wrapper around tail -F  and ccze . It will look for a log file (prepends /var/log/ to the patch if it can’t find it), and pipes it into ccze for colorizing the output. Handy if you find yourself watching logs. I mostly use it for dhcp/tftp/mail where I don’t have a huge amount of traffic (i.e. can watch it in real time) and am expecting an event/log entry.
