Native tcp/udp sockets in bash cheatsheet

Bash has a nifty feature to open tcp and udp connections and read/write data to that connection. The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide and the bash man page offers some information and examples, and google has some odd examples, but all in all there isn’t much variety of information on the internet on the topic. This feature is enabled in Bash at compile time with the flag –enable-net-redirections

It works by assigning a connection to a file descriptor with exec. Protocol must be udp or tcp, hostname must be either an IP or a FQDN. Use any free file-descriptor (3 or higher usually).

Use &- to close the connection instead of leaving it in the CLOSE_WAIT status.

Basic Example:

You may have noticed that the cat will hang around a while after delivering the content. As long as the connection is established it will sit there and wait for data, which can be quite a while depending on the daemon on the other end. If you want to avoid having to wait, kill or ctrl-c the cat  you can use read with an input timeout.

In the example if read has to wait longer than 2 seconds (-t 2) it will abort reading from the network connection.

If you only want to read a single line you can use head:

Although this will have the same timeout problems as cat if there is no more data but the connection is still established, it is useful and quick if you know exactly what kind of result you are expecting.

You don’t have to read the response right away, it will be buffered until you get around to accessing it (even if the other end terminates the connection).

Virtualbox to 4.2.12 problems with Ubuntu

After updating Virtualbox to 4.2.12 and updating the guest additions on my Ubuntu 12.10 the guest suddenly started having problems with the graphics driver ( wouldn’t start correctly, only starts in “rescue” mode). I did a bit of googling, and it seems other users are also affected (mainly 12.04 and 12.10 Ubuntu), and it seems to affect people who upgraded from virtualbox guest addditions 4.2.10 -> 4.2.12

Here the quick and dirty workaround to the problem: download the 4.2.10 guest additions and use them.

Will need to reboot or make sure the new modules are loaded and restart X afterwards.

Script to start minion in tmux

Minion is a security project from Mozilla (link). It provides a user-friendly web interface to various security scanner tools. There is a webcast demonstrating the software (link).

The software requires a few services to run, and since I like having one script take care of starting everything with the right parameters, I threw together a simple shell script that sets up a tmux session with the services started in windows with the names of the services.

How to break down CIDR subnets in Bash

I was playing around with subnets in bash recently and needed an elegant/easy way to split up a subnet into smaller subnets. First I used 2 functions I found on to convert an IP addresse to and from an integer. After that it was just a bit of math in bash to split up any networks too big.
Any network larger than $maxSubnet gets split up.
Here the useful code:

Output of script:


How to get the intersecting area of two polygons in MySQL

I was playing around with spatial features of MySQL this weekend and stumbled into a problem where I was looking for the area of two rectangles that overlap.  MySQL provides a function to check if they overlap, but no function to extract the region that overlaps.

I’ve never written a stored routine in MySQL before, so I decided it would be a good exercise to try making one. As you can see the function is pretty straightforward and it assumes you are working with rectangles, but other than that it does what it is supposed to.
You pass the function 2 polygons (e.g. Intersection(a.poly,b.poly)), and it returns the intersecting area as a new polygon.

Example comparing some rectangles in 2 tables using the function:
