Blog <-> Facebook

So I finally got around to getting Facebook to automatically impoort my blog entries. Was easily done technically, all I had to do was decide if I wanted them to end up in the news feed or as status updates. Both had their advantages, but I decided going with news feeds because they provide better formating.

Now I’m back to moving my website and email server to new hardware (websites are easy, email is a bit of a pain).

Triathlon photography

This weekend I photographed the local DLRG (German equivalent to American Lifeguard Association) while they kept watch over the swimming part of a large triathlon here (Kraichgau Challenge). The swimmers started in 2 groups (1.9km and 1.5km) at the Hardtsee in Ubstadt-Weiher. It did get a bit cloudy by late afternoon, but the whole morning and early afternoon the weather was great allowing me to get some good shots. I selected around 45 photos, cleaned up the lighting where needed, and uplaoded them to the DLRG Ubstadt-Weiher picture gallery

Hardtsee Ubstadt-Weiher
Hardtsee Ubstadt-Weiher

HDR / DRI pictures

I admin, I haven’t been updating my blog all to often lately. Mainly due to a) nothing special happening and b) getting stuff prepared for our wedding. So what have I been doing the last few weeks? Well, I finally installed and played GTA IV (which I bought many months ago ;))

Other than that I’ve been plaing around with my camera (and Photoshop CS3) a bit. Tried some light painting, played around with HDR a bit (bought myself a Photomatix license since it can handle my nikon raw format natively), added some of the stuff to my deviant art page

Blog updates

I’m sorry about the lack of updates here lately. I’m having a bit of a problem with WordPress. I can’t edit any postings, which is a slight pain. I also can’t figure out why this problem popped up. I’m using the SVN version, and if I revert all the files it is still broken (but a new install works fine). i started debugging the problem, and the SQL query that grabs the list of posting is extremly fubar, but unfortunalty the SQL query is built very dynamically so it’s not easy to fix.