How to install the latest Nmap for Debian/Ubuntu

A quick & dirty script to download the latest version of nmap (sourcecode) and generate a deb and install it (so that it’s correctly in the package management). Yes, I know this is not much more than a glorified configure && make && checkinstall

Bash snippet, verify ctrl+c

Lately I’ve been working on a pair of more elaborate scripts using ncat and openssl to transfer data between hosts. I’ll get around to posting it eventually, but until then a few small snippets that people may find useful.

Today we will catch ctrl+c and ask the user if he really want’s to terminate the script.

The initialize() and cleanup() are my usual function names I have in every script, making sure general settings and variables are defined and that on exit any tempfiles get deleted.
What has been added was a trap for the INT signal (ctrl+c) which calls the verify_quit() function, giving the user 10 seconds to press ctrl+c again to exit (via cleanup()) or return back to wherever we were in the code. There is one unavoidable caveat, the first ctrl+c will kill whatever the script was doing before it jumps into the verify_quit() function.

Simple “try” function for bash

Made a nice little try() function today for simplifying checking/dealing with  return codes from commands. It uses the function text() I posted earlier to colorfy output: How to easily add colored text output in bash scripts. The function accepts 2 parameters, how it should behave if a problem occurs and the command to be executed: try <silent|warn|fatal> command

silent: save the return status in the global variable command_status
warn: if the command has a return code > 0, print a warning and save the return status in the global variable command_status
fatal: if the command has a return code > 0, print an error and exit

Obviously not as versatile as a python try/except, bu streamlines verifying the command return codes.
Example Usage:

Warning: ‘false‘ failed with return code –1
ls: cannot access doesnotexist: No such file or directory
Error: ‘ls -al doesnotexist‘ failed with return code –2


How to break down CIDR subnets in Bash

I was playing around with subnets in bash recently and needed an elegant/easy way to split up a subnet into smaller subnets. First I used 2 functions I found on to convert an IP addresse to and from an integer. After that it was just a bit of math in bash to split up any networks too big.
Any network larger than $maxSubnet gets split up.
Here the useful code:

Output of script:


How to get the intersecting area of two polygons in MySQL

I was playing around with spatial features of MySQL this weekend and stumbled into a problem where I was looking for the area of two rectangles that overlap.  MySQL provides a function to check if they overlap, but no function to extract the region that overlaps.

I’ve never written a stored routine in MySQL before, so I decided it would be a good exercise to try making one. As you can see the function is pretty straightforward and it assumes you are working with rectangles, but other than that it does what it is supposed to.
You pass the function 2 polygons (e.g. Intersection(a.poly,b.poly)), and it returns the intersecting area as a new polygon.

Example comparing some rectangles in 2 tables using the function:
