New Server (with IPv6)

I got a new server and I finished moving everything to the new hardware this week. If you notice anything behaving strange just drop me a note. I also set up IPv6 on all my VMs so will be playing around with that a bit. It’s a shame that hardly any providers give customers IPv6 addresses, migrating from IPv4 to IPv6 will take forever if none of the users can use them (and in the meantime IPv4 addresses are getting more and more expensive for me).

The new server is from hetzner since I have been very satisfied with them in the past. Impressive hardware features for low prices and (what really makes me keep choosing them) fantastic technical support. I’ve been with a few companies in the past, but none have had as good support as hetzner. Sooner or later hardware will die, and having a hosting provider that responds promptly and knowledgeably to request is priceless.

How to install ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu 10.04

The current LTS version of Ubuntu is 10.04 and the most current version of ruby it ships with is 1.9.1. Unfurtunately 1.9.1 wasn’t that great of a release and anyone using the 1.9 branch really should use the stable 1.9.2.

After doing a bit of researching I found some information on how the best approach to get ruby installed is. Downloading the source, compiling it and registering the installed version with the package manager.

The following little bash script takes care of installing ruby 1.9.2 on a ubuntu or debian based system (or any other version if you change the $Version variable in the script). The script just consolidates information found online and wraps it up into a nice bashscript


Using iFolder as an open source Dropbox alternative

I’ve had a few posting here in my blog over the years about trying to keep data synced over various computers. Nowadays it has gotten easier since it seems everyone is chruning out their own online storage. Classics like Dropbox or SugarSync, and then we have the big companies  Google, Microsoft and Ubuntu trying their luck. Basically they all provide you with 2-5Gb free storage, and more space and features for more money. But they all have one downside, whether encrypted or not, you are leaving your own files to the mercy of an external company. There is not really any voodoo in the whole system, basically you just have some space online, a bit of encryption, and some way to ensure that all clients of a user are synced, nonetheless building your own service can be a hassle as I have found out.

Currently I’m using SVN as a workaround. I just sometimes forget to commit, which leads to me having old data and no access to updated files. Instead of starting from scratch and build strange stuff with rsync I had a look if there were any open source solutions out there. And I was pleased to find a few. Unfortunately they are almost all in the “I have an idea and a few mockups” stage, maybe even some beta version that does something, but nothing really “production” level. Another downside was that most of them either supported Linux or Windows, but often not both.

One open source solution I stumbled across is iFolder,  seasoned software supported by Novell, with clients for Windows, Linux and Mac. And if all else fails you can use the web interface to access your files. Admin and User web interface are both easy to use. I don’t remember how I stumbled across it, but I do know that it’s not one of the main products you see named when searching for alternatives to Dropbox.

If you have SuSE as an OS, then installing the software is immensely simplified due to SuSE belonging to Novell, just follow the SuSE instructions on the website. I prefer debian based installations and found Ubuntu instructions at that were written mainly for Ubuntu, but should work with any debian deviate.

I’m not going to repeat anything from the installation instructions, they already did a fine job of documenting everything. One thing is important however: the Client just plain doesn’t work. unfortunately it is the one linked from the website. Go to the sourceforge repository, and download the newer 3.8.03 client. That one works like a charm.

How to get Teamspeak 3 running on a current Linux

Teamspeak is know for lagging a bit behind with development.

The last few days I have been upgrading my servers to current distributions, today the Voice servers were on the list to get Debian 6 / Ubuntu 11.04. And again I ran into problems with Teamspeak, turns out they won’t work with libmysqlclient 16 libraries and require the good old 15 version (which isn’t available out-of-the-box in the latest Debian and Ubuntu release).

So anybody running into the same problem (do a ldd to check), can hop on over to and download the package for your architecture and install it with dpkg -i

Wireshark remote capturing

yeah, this is real simple stuff, not really worth writing a script for it. but on the other hand it saves me from remembering how to do it every time I need it (which isn’t often). So here is a little script to setup remote capturing with wireshark.
All it basically does is ssh to the remote host and tcpdump sucking the output via stdout through the ssh connection to a local pipe, that is then used by wireshark to display the stream. Because of this you may want to make sure you aren’t capturing your own ssh data when doing this 😉