How to install the latest Nmap for Debian/Ubuntu

A quick & dirty script to download the latest version of nmap (sourcecode) and generate a deb and install it (so that it’s correctly in the package management). Yes, I know this is not much more than a glorified configure && make && checkinstall

Bash snippet, verify ctrl+c

Lately I’ve been working on a pair of more elaborate scripts using ncat and openssl to transfer data between hosts. I’ll get around to posting it eventually, but until then a few small snippets that people may find useful.

Today we will catch ctrl+c and ask the user if he really want’s to terminate the script.

The initialize() and cleanup() are my usual function names I have in every script, making sure general settings and variables are defined and that on exit any tempfiles get deleted.
What has been added was a trap for the INT signal (ctrl+c) which calls the verify_quit() function, giving the user 10 seconds to press ctrl+c again to exit (via cleanup()) or return back to wherever we were in the code. There is one unavoidable caveat, the first ctrl+c will kill whatever the script was doing before it jumps into the verify_quit() function.

Simple “try” function for bash

Made a nice little try() function today for simplifying checking/dealing with  return codes from commands. It uses the function text() I posted earlier to colorfy output: How to easily add colored text output in bash scripts. The function accepts 2 parameters, how it should behave if a problem occurs and the command to be executed: try <silent|warn|fatal> command

silent: save the return status in the global variable command_status
warn: if the command has a return code > 0, print a warning and save the return status in the global variable command_status
fatal: if the command has a return code > 0, print an error and exit

Obviously not as versatile as a python try/except, bu streamlines verifying the command return codes.
Example Usage:

Warning: ‘false‘ failed with return code –1
ls: cannot access doesnotexist: No such file or directory
Error: ‘ls -al doesnotexist‘ failed with return code –2


Script to start minion in tmux

Minion is a security project from Mozilla (link). It provides a user-friendly web interface to various security scanner tools. There is a webcast demonstrating the software (link).

The software requires a few services to run, and since I like having one script take care of starting everything with the right parameters, I threw together a simple shell script that sets up a tmux session with the services started in windows with the names of the services.

How to break down CIDR subnets in Bash

I was playing around with subnets in bash recently and needed an elegant/easy way to split up a subnet into smaller subnets. First I used 2 functions I found on to convert an IP addresse to and from an integer. After that it was just a bit of math in bash to split up any networks too big.
Any network larger than $maxSubnet gets split up.
Here the useful code:

Output of script: