Ok, the contest is ready. I’ll start off with the information everybody has been waiting for:
There is a webserver running with a brief description of the target and rules of the contest The webserver is actually part of the contest since people are supposed to deface this page. To make it a bit more interresting, the ssh sessions are recorded with script and saved here for everyone to see (e.g. “less -r filename”).
Rules and Target of the contest:
As stated above, deface this page. To achieve this goal, everything is allowed. Do what you need/want to achieve the goal.
Unfortunatly we will still need a short list of actions that are not allowed:
- (D)DoS against this box, or via this box against other hosts are
of course not allowed - Brute Force attacks against accounts are not prohibited … but trust me, you really don’t want to waste your time with that
- Be nice, don’t try to make the accounts or box unusable for others
- If you are doing something that isn’t aimed at solving the contest, than it probably isn’t allowed
A few details to the box and the system:
- It is a vmware box (so I can reset it and/or access the console without any problems)
- Linux debian testing is installed
- some basic hardening done with normal linux tools and grsecurity
- Don’t worry, I left enough room for you all to poke around, I didn’t make it “too secure to have fun”
- This time no holes were intentionally added to the system. On the other hand there will also be no updates of software packages or changes to the RBAC system, no matter what security flaws arise (or I may have overseen)
- On a scale of 1 to 10: I’d say the security is around 7
Have fun 😉
btw. I’m also posting this in the buha forums for anyone who prefers a German description.