How to get the intersecting area of two polygons in MySQL

I was playing around with spatial features of MySQL this weekend and stumbled into a problem where I was looking for the area of two rectangles that overlap.  MySQL provides a function to check if they overlap, but no function to extract the region that overlaps.

I’ve never written a stored routine in MySQL before, so I decided it would be a good exercise to try making one. As you can see the function is pretty straightforward and it assumes you are working with rectangles, but other than that it does what it is supposed to.
You pass the function 2 polygons (e.g. Intersection(a.poly,b.poly)), and it returns the intersecting area as a new polygon.

Example comparing some rectangles in 2 tables using the function:



How to build an efficient GeoIP SQL table

This here is a very handy little script I threw together to generate a geoip.sql table for quickly determining which country a IP is from. I already hear you saying “Just convert the IP to an INT and use BETWEEN, how hard can it be”. And you are right, that works. And it may even be your easiest solution, but it just isn’t fast. And if you are planning on hammering the table with thousands of queries you are going to end up looking for something fast.

A while back I found a very interesting posting at that described how to use Spacial Indexes together with MySQL’s GIS to speed up the queries. The posting has been online for a while and both it and the replies are worth reading.

All I did was make a small bash script to download the current “lite” version of GeoIP CSV file from, use the information from the posting to throw/transform it into a local database table and dump out a .sql file that can be easily imported into any other database. The script isn’t failproof though, it expects your user to be able to use mysql and have permission to create databases/tables and “load data local infile”.