WordPress, Lightbox & SmoothGallery
Since I just spent an hour debugging a problem that others probably also have ran into, I’ll post my findings and workaround. I’ve been using lightbox for my images here for a while (the thing that darkens the website and pops up a frame with the image, pretty muth common nowdays). This is a great solution for an image of two in a post, but if you want to add a bunch more (or a whole gallery) all those images will really bloat up your post, so I had a look at different picture gallery software and really liked SmoothGallery. It turns out there are two plugins that make it easy to implement the software into a wordpress blog (NextGEN Gallery and NextGEN Smooth Gallery), but unfortunately SmoothGallery breaks lightbox in WordPress (has to do with the javascript libraries they use). My current workaround is to use Slimbox as an alternative to lightbox until the problem get’s fixed (or until I fix it myself somehow). In the long run I’d really like to return to lightbox (or lightview, a pimped up version).
I hope I get around to writing post of the last few days tomorrow. Wanted to do that this evening, but I got caught up in the gallery/lightbox problems.