Google Chrome Browser … buggy ;-)

That was fast,
first bugs are being found in the Google Chrome Browser that was released yesterday. This one here crashes the browser if it tries to access a specially crafted url (undefined handler followed by certain character). PoC and details can be found at

Since it “only” crashes the browser, the only use that comes to mind would be to use it to filter out google browser users from websites by crashing them.

rkhunter and linux kernel 2.6.26-3

The combination of rkhunter and the latest stable Linux kernel has been giving me problems the last few days. Considering that I couldn’t find anything about this on the Internet, I guess it must be something special about my box. rkhunter makes my server hang when it gets to the part where it checks for hidden processes if I use the 2.6.26-3 kernel. If I use the same .config and make myself a 2.6.25-16 (the latest stable 2.6.25) rkhunter runs without problems.

While it is nice that I found the problem, it was a pain narrowing down the culprit. The last few days I had noticed that my server was dead in the water every morning and had at first suspected vmware, since I had installed that a few days ago on the server (and had to make a new kernel to get it running). Well, everything is fine now. Next time I have to update my kernel, I’ll remember to do a test run of /etc/cron.daily

Mythbusters at NVISION 2008

I just saw this funny video. The Mythbusters go and compare how a CPU and how a GPU draw things. Considering it’s the Mythbusters, it’s not really surprising that they use robots and paintball to demonstrate. Here ist the video

The second part in high resolution:

Hartknäckige Scriptkiddies

Seit gestern Abend versucht irgendein Scriptkiddie mein SSH zu Bruteforce’n. Das an sich ist eigentlich nichts erwähnenswertes da es zum täglichen Müll gehört (wie die Spammer die offene Mail Relays suchen) und eigentlich zum allgemein “Rauschen” im Internet gehört. Nach ein paar Fehlversuche landet bei mir die IP automatisch für eine gewisse Zeit auf eine Blackliste und wird per iptables gesperrt.

Was das ganze hier jedoch interssant macht ist die Hartknäckigkeit derjenigen. Die meisten Kiddies merken “ach mist, meine IP wird geblockt” und versuchen es vielleicht noch von eine 2. IP bevor sie aufgeben. Der hier jedoch hat wohl eine ganze menge an Zombie Rechner zur Verfügung weil er seit ein paar Stunden es schafft nach jeden IP Ban von einen neuen Host seinen Brute Force Attacke erneut zu starten. Jepp, ihr habt richtig gelesen, er führt sie nicht weiter, wo er aufgehört hat, sondern fängt jedesmal wieder von vorne an.

Ich gib ihn 8/10 Punkte für Ressourcen, 9/10 für Hartknäckigkeit und 2/10 Punkte für die Durchführung.

POV.1 and Sony Vegas

I own both the POV.1 Helmet Camera and Sony Vegas 8 (Movie Studio). Now, one would think editing videos made by the helmet cam would be no problem with Vegas … For some stupid reason, Vegas won’t read the video part of Xvid encoded files.  It obviously isn’t because of missing codecs, since vlc has no problems playing the files. After a bit of digging in the internet I found 2 tools to help fix the problem. The first shows which codec is used in the .avi (and can help if your problem is “only” a missing codec). It is called gspot. The second tool is called AVI FourCC Code Changer.

The solution to the problem is to start up the FourCC changer, open the POV.1 video (or any other Xvid video), and change booth fields to DIVX, press “apply” and that was it. Now Vegas stops behaving like a dork and reads the files.