Photoshop Express

Photoshop Express seems to have finally gone online An online (web application) version of Photoshop. Of course with only a basic variaty of functions, but still plenty useful.
After registering you get 2GB of space for uploading/editing pictures. Uploaded pictures can either be defined private, or can be public and displayed in a gallery. The only technical requirements are a current browser with flash player 9 installed.

Cisco reverse telnet (AUX -> CON)

Let me jot this down before I forget it again, I’ve looked this up so often 😉
First we hook up the CON port of the borked device with the AUX port of a working router (the normal Cisco console cable with RJ45 connectors on both ends). Then we go to the router and configure it’s AUX port with these settings:

# conf t
# line aux 0
(config-line)# modem InOut
(config-line)# transport preferred all
(config-line)# transport input all
(config-line)# transport output all
(config-line)# stopbits 1
(config-line)# end

The router has to have a loopback address and it must be up (duh). Now we have to find out which port we are going to have to telnet to. Do a show line from the enable mode, the output should look something like this:

Tty Typ Tx/Rx A Modem
0 CTY – –
* 97 AUX 9600/9600 – inout
* 98 VTY – –

Our line is number 97, telnet to the loopback address and port 2000+our line. If our loopback had the IP the command would be telnet 2097

Portable Applications

I stumbled upon a few days ago, and now I have a whole lot of nice applications on my 1GB USB stick. Besides the applications provided by the website, I also have Skype and Photoshop running on my USB stick. After Playing around with the menu a bit, I found a unofficial mod called Portable Apps Menu Mod R31 which is definitely a must for anyone wanting to customize the menu (nice theme support, ability to hide applications from the menu, categories, …). I few minutes ago I even found a theme site for the mentioned menu mod.

I choose Adobe Photoshop 6.0, since it doesn’t really care where it is started from, and is still fairly “small”. Definitely something I’d suggest for anyone with a licence for that version (should be possible to obtain one cheaply since it is pretty outdated).

Skype was a bit more of a challenge to get running off my USB Stick. I followed these instructions to make a batch file to start skype, and used this tool to convert the .bat to a .exec (since the Portable Apps Menu only looks for .exe files)

I just found a “loader” for Ultraedit: This is very cool, since I love this editor, and it has always been a pain to only be able to use it at home.
Another good site for portable applications is

biking & climbing

I started off my 2008 biking season with one of my standard 30km routes (biking to work doesn’t count, that’s only 2km away). It seems I’m pretty much out of shape after this last winter. I felt pretty dead afterwards. My goal will be doing 100Km a week in summer (split up over a few days, probably 2x30Km and a 40Km).

My climbing is getting better too, although I still have problems with anything that isn’t straight upwards (in overhanging situations, I can’t seem to build up enough body tension). I’ve lost a bit over 5kg since January and my percentage of muscle mass stayed the same, so I’m pretty pleased with that so far. Another 6Kg and I’ll be able to do routes unthinkable now. May goal is to get down to 78Kg, but that’s long term, maybe I’ll be there by the end of the year, depends on how much biking, climbing and swimming I do this summer.

Google Calendar

After a friend told me about how useful google calendar is (I had heard of it before, just never looked at it), I finally went and registered at google to have a look myself. For a web application the gui is pretty good. What I liked most about it, is that I can easily synchronize the entries in google calendar with my calendars in thunderbird or my cell phone. For my cell phone I use MyPhoneExplorer (already had that installed, I use it to write SMS via a bluetooth connection to my computer). For thunderbird I use to addons. The first is a calendar addon called Lightning since thunderbird has no calendar out-of-the-box. The second is an addon written to sync between google calendar and thunderbird called Provider.

Everything was pretty straight-forward to setup, took me less than half an hour to find information, get everything installed and running smoothly.

Google Calendar