
So, now that I have my shiny new blog software up and running I might as well use it 😉
Another week of work, and then I’m going on vacation. 3 weeks in Australia. It’s going to be a pretty darn long flight, but we are going to have tons of fun down there. Try not to break anything here while I’m gone. The last time I went on vacation (Chicago, visiting my parents) the power supply of my server kinda died and tore the motherboard down with it. Fortunatly I noticed it and had it replaced. Took me an afternoon to get the system installed and backups up and running again. Hopefully this time nothing happens since I’m not planning on seeing or using Internet while abroad.

Migration will happen soon

Ok, if you can see this, than the website has been (more or less successfully) replaced. I decided to switch over to software that supports maintenance of dynamic and fixed content better. So here we go: The blog was pulled onto the main page. The previous categories from the navigation on the left are now on the top right under “Pages”. I’ll try to move the old postings from the previous blog over to this one, but that may take a while.

Simpleblog -> WordPress

I finally got tired of my former blog software, so i decided to throw it out the window and use wordpress. I’m still fiddling around with it, but my goal is to build my new website layout around wordpress.